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The CEU Café

The CEU Café was started by Gate Communications. Gate is known as the premier Performance Interpreting instructors in the United States. Thousands of interpreters and interpreting students have attended their Performance Interpreting workshops across the U.S. Gate has taught workshops in 26 states, and their workshops have been attended by individuals from 5 countries. They are known for their unique style of education, their crazy antics, their familial environments, and their progressive content. Gate always strives to push the envelope creating the most entertaining and accessible experiences for the Deaf possible while honoring the Hearing consumers including artists, audiences, venues, crew, and administrations. We want everyone to leave positively impacted by the presence of an interpreter, and our workshops here will engage those same philosophies.



Gate Communications

Gate Communications is a non-profit organization located in Franklin, TN (the greater Nashville area). Gate was founded 20 years ago by several Deaf Community members who wanted to make a difference in the accessibility events in Tennessee. Gate became a fourfold organization providing interpreting services, education, community events, and outreach. Thus far Gate has held some of the largest Deaf events in the state such as Deaf Day at the Zoo, Deaf Day at the Aquarium, Deaf Day at the Predators, Celebration of Sign, and more. Gate has a full private ITP and teaches sign language/interpreting classes in office and online and provides advisory services to artists, actors, families of Deaf children, and businesses. Gate produces educational materials for the interpreting community. Gate's heart extends outside of the U.S. and supports Deaf outreaches in multiple countries. Gate has been traveling to Mexico to work with abused Deaf children for 12 years, and looks forward to many more to come. To find out more about Gate, visit our website at:


Coffee with Friends
Sam Nicole and Kayla.JPG

about the 

Primary Instructor

Samantha Terzis, Gate's Executive Director and workshop instructor, will serve as the primary instructor and producer of these workshops. Samantha has been an interpreter for 30 years, beginning her journey in California. After Performance Interpreting became her specialty she resettled in Nashville, Tennessee, Music City USA. She and Deaf Community members started Gate Communications after seeing the need for improved accessibility in the state. Samantha has been traveling to Mexico to work with the Deaf for 20 years, and interprets not only in ASL but LSM (Mexican Sign Language). After concluding a long season of teaching in collegiate ITPs, Samantha began traveling the U.S. teaching workshops. She is the author of the book, "Get REAL! A REAL Look at Interpreting", an honest look at her imperfections as an interpreter. "Get REAL" is used in multiple ITP programs. In the end, people are her passion, so she teaches not only with substance but with heart. 


Pictured: Kayla: Miss Deaf Tennessee, Artist: Nicole C Mullen, and Samantha 

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